lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

La agricultura

Agriculture is one of the main economic activities in the region, the development of the city beginning with the sugar industry, but is currently around wing agriculture. It is estimated that around 174 thousand 468 hectares are those that cover crops, this equates to 40.17% of the total surface area. The main crops of the region are wheat, potatoes, beans, chickpeas, sugar cane, cotton, safflower, tomato, maize, sorghum, rice, tomatillo and pumpkins.
It is carried out the breeding of which it is estimated that develops in 66 thousand 200 hectares and that there are  approximately 189 thousand 500 head of cattle.Which occupies the 7.41% of the productivity of the region. The production that stands out for its number is the cattle of cows, pigs, sheep and goats.
But they should know that as well as the agriculture has helped the region has also damaged the environment. In recent years some aspects of agriculture have become controversial. This is due to the increasing use of chemicals and food processors, if they continue pulling the organic wastes, pollution will increase, also if they keep using chemicals in the ground it will become infertile. If they continue using excessively pesticides, they will contaminate all the crops. Many farmers use the nitrogen, but if they continue using it, they will contaminate the rivers, lakes and groundwater.
Today also the breeding has caused severe damage to the environment. According to the UN the livestock sector generates more carbon dioxide than the transport sector. Not only that, if the ranchers continue compacted soils, they will damage the ground severely. If the farmers continue with overgrazing, they also will cause the disappearance of the grasslands.

We need to find solutions to these problems and to reduce pollution of the spaces worked with these activities, in this way we will continue progressing.

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